The third key skillset great employers seek is techno teachers. How do we find technology-savvy talent, how do we utilize those folks to innovate and build high-performance teams? Stay tuned as we look at how technology helps us innovate and stay one step ahead of our competitors.
Who in your life today pushes you to think outside of the box with technology that innovates your thinking about how problems in your business or your life can be solved? In the executive search business, it’s job sites and social media sites. Is it Indeed or CareerBuilder or The Ladders? is it Twitter? Is it LinkedIn? Is it Facebook? Full disclosure – my mentor and executive producer in this video series, Pat Altvater, is an exceptionally savvy social media user. And she’s helping me shape my brand, with Twitter posts, and LinkedIn posts, and of course, that includes these videos.
In the executive search business, like any business, breakthrough thinkers are those who push us to use technology to have faster and more value-added relationships with customers and clients and team members. Conventional wisdom and that typically means what has been true for at least 18 months, is that LinkedIn is the site more than any other one site that drives talent acquisition, and drives the recruiting industry.
Along comes a couple of individuals who believe that way more people live on Facebook than on LinkedIn, like nearly four times as many users. Even the highly sought after impact-players at the C-level. And, it appears, it is something to watch, they are re-writing conventional wisdom by showing us techno thirsty professionals that the Facebook platform is a faster place to access talent.
What about your business or your work life? What technology innovations make you uncomfortable today? Every organization that expects to grow needs techno teachers, people who love what technology innovations can do. The profile for that kind of person, sometimes well-educated computer engineers and IT graduates, some times a high school degree with a finely tuned passion for use of technology, three-dimensional printers, for example, that only the knowledge, not the degree gives you the impact.
Can we help you hire someone with techno-teacher skills? Are you that person looking for a new gig? We believe in job creation through innovation, knowledge, and applied skill, and this skill is among the most sought-after today. Give us a text to help you grow your business with techno teachers.
Dan Toussant, your Executive Recruiter, shares planning tips for hiring sales professionals. He suggests hiring managers consider three things: Expectations, Testing, and the Process and Timeline. Tune in for the details.
Visit Dan’s website, Dan Toussant & Associates, for more recruiting information.